Why Websites are Slow?

why websites are slow?
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Many reasons of slow speed websites. We will discuss about the factors of website speed that effects on the speed of web page. Every website needs to be optimized for the good speed. To adopt 100% accurate optimization efforts, developers must understand these core reasons for slow website loading and learn how to resolve them to improve traffic and revenue.

The key point Why Websites are Slow?

Uncompressed Images:

A large volume of unoptimized images are usually the most common reason behind website slowness. Highly resolution images can consume lots of time while loading. Uploading larged size images and then scaling them down can unnecessarily increase the size of your web page causing your website to load slowly.

JavaScript Problems:

The availability of JS/jQuery plugins has made it really convenient to add dynamic content to the websites. If implemented wrongly, JS can slow your website’s page speed. It takes time for jQuery & JS to be loaded, interpreted and executed. So if you are using multiple API calls to render JS/jQuery data, it can result in significant delay while loading the web pages.

Flash Content:

Decrease the size of flash content or eliminating it to improve the page speed. If you are willing to make your website faster, you should try HTML5 alternatives to replace your existing flash content.

Unused Code (JS/CSS):

By removing these unnecessary code, you can compress the code, reduce the file size for improve the overall page speed and if you’re tracking rankings you will probably see a boost in your SEO performance too. Alternatively, you can use a helping hand of some IT services company.

Excessive HTTP Requests:

Having loads of JS, CSS, and image files can lead to many HTTP requests. When a user visits your website page, the browser performs several requests to load each of these files, which can reduce the page speed.

Bad Hosting:

If you are using a shared hosting plan, your website could slow down when you have traffic spikes. You are sharing the same web server and resources such as CPU and RAM with other websites.


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